Bayview College — University in Portland

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Bayview College

University at 119 Bentinck St, Portland VIC 3305, Australia, Portland, Victoria, 3305 . Here you will find detailed information about Bayview College: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 2 reviews


119 Bentinck St, Portland VIC 3305, Australia, Portland, Victoria, 3305

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About Bayview College

Bayview College is a Australian University based in Portland, Victoria. Bayview College is located at 119 Bentinck St, Portland VIC 3305, Australia,

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Reviews of Bayview College

  • Luis
    Added 2015.07.06
    Gorgeous old building - well worth taking some photos of.. Easily accessible from the foreshore - gardens and exterior can be viewed from the footpath. Not sure if they offer tours of the interior but would be worth asking if the inside has been retained in original condition
  • Angel
    Added 2013.09.04
    Hello. I am a survivor. The last remaining man of a long forgotten race. They call us; the Shresackonians. They may have laughed, but I still stand, and they do not. For many eons, my people have lived in harmony with humans. We shared the land, in perfect equilibrium. But then one day, the Bayviewonians attacked. They cut into us with a rending strike, tearing all that we had with terribly transient fortitude. I had to fight to survive, the soldiers of the maths pathways standing strong. Bayview's armies were tough, but I adapted; I became strong. Now, only the officers of the Bayview legion stand in my way. The so-called teachers, who reap students' minds and infiltrate their personal time and standing. I will save those prisoners of war who have lived their life in strife, in continuous pain. I will be the last bastion, the one to rescue them from their chains, the chains that bind them to the building of the immense emotion, of harrow and anguish. With my third hand I will desecrate the Bayviewonians and sow a new land, one that will satisfy the requests of my ancestors. Their legacy will be continued, through me. With thurible in hand, I will flay the enemy and tear them from their roots, finishing with a flourish and rightful reckoning. The shadows of the dead will guide me to the Bayviewonians, inspire me to move on. Beware, Bayview College; The Last Shresackonion seeks you.
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